Monday, April 26, 2010

Blame it on the lyrics

Music is a form of art that is glorified in some cases, but also frowned upon in others. Plenty of people see music as an entertainment source. Music is used to make people happy for the most part. My only issue with humans and music is how fans try to blame violent crimes commited by youth on music. I do agree that some lyrics are a little to explicit for some aged listeners. this is also they have parental advisory and you must be a certain age to purchase such items. In my opinion, lyrics to a song should not be the blame for any crime committed by listeners. Even if the lyrics of the song are violent, the artists singing the song clearly dont do these things or else they would be in jail. The music is just used as an excuse or bail out.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beautiful Poetic Chemistry

Poetry is a very relaxing and expressive form of art. personally I am a huge fan of poems. Fortunately i was lucky enough to observe a few poets share their work with a small audience. My professor MC Harper was also present. I was not aware that she would speak and read her poems to us. the approach of a poet is so smooth and soothing to me. the metaphors used in poems just seem to amaze me, it takes very deep thought and concentration to construct good poetry. Anyone can come up with just anything that rhymes that has no true meaning to it, but that is what separates legends from nobodies.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fun in the sun !!

spring break was pretty good considering the the days of school of and if we were lucky some beautiful weather on a few days. during my break i had some time to myself and i was able to think about how beautiful the human life span is and how art is one with you at all stages of your life. the concept of a developing human is beautiful in my eyes. begining with the miricle of birth and the growth and developement of a small child. we as humans often find humor in small children as they start to realize their bodily functions and test them out. for example when a baby begins to walk he/she hobbles around and looks goofy toying around with its wakind ability. One of my favoities is when they begin to speak, you can tell by the reaction they give that they like to hear the sound of their own voice it facinates the child for a while to the point where the baby is not even using words just blurting out things to hear themsleves. getting back on topic, visiting a friend over brek i seen a child fingerpainting. The child had no idea what he was doing but the results were beautiful in all sorts of ways.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Art Made of Poverty

In the text “Introduction” on pages 7-8 of Material World A Global Family Portrait by Paul Kennedy, the author explains that what people call artwork today is a huge symbol of poverty in the world today that people don’t even realize. It is a beautiful thing to be able to use these photographs as art but these images are representing the struggle all over the world. The struggle of starving children and families in poverty is a major problem amongst most third world countries. This art being created is expressing all of the problems such as these families surviving day to day searching for food. Depression can be another result of all of these struggles.

In the text “Bettering the Planet” written by Charles C. Mann explains how we as humans have overcome the struggles of the world. He also explains how humans themselves represent art. How humans are willing to suffer the consequences just to satisfy themselves and want whatever the majority. Mann discusses that recently humanity has been fascinated by the areas beyond human life and outside of the earth such as space.

Poverty and the Art Made of it

Art is a beautiful component of the earth no doubt. In my opinion certain things transform the beauty of art into ugly. In different cultures what may be ugly to me could be wonderful to someone else with a completely different mindset. Poverty is often displayed in art images. Is this still considered art? Of course, but is it right is the true question. I am quite sure that living in poverty does not make those who do happy. Images of yourself should create happiness or you should get some sort of learning experience out of it. Poverty can not be hidden it does exist. It just so happens that it is used to create images of art. Here's something that is very interesting:; photographers take pictures of those living in poverty and sell it as art and get money for this. While in the mean time the humans in the images are still in the same situation. Maybe you should help.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Artistic Answers

In the documentary How Art Made the World, Nigel Spivey’s thesis was that art is wired into the brain of all human beings. Experts in the documentary performed a test o the brain creating odd images. These images turned out to be the same images that were first discovered to be art, art which experts couldn’t figure out. Exaggeration of the human body is attractive art work to us human beings. Art that was presented in realistic form became boring so exaggeration was used to spice things up a little.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Watch Your Mouth

Over this weekend i heard someone say that they aren't a fan of art. I thought to myself this person is totally ignorant to what art even is. This human can't poosibly understand that without art there would be no world! Speaking metaphorically of course, but seriously art is literally everywhere you look. If you wernt a fan of art you wouldnt be dressed in clothing. you wouldn't drive the vehicle you do, you wouldnt live in the house that you live in. your entire liiving experience would be completly different. If you do no enjoy drawing or coloring or things of that nature that does not make you against art. That just means that you don't enjoy those specific activies.